Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Decision on the Iowa Caucus

You may recall I’ve said before in this blog, that Herman Cain stated that all a presidential candidate needs to become a good president is intelligence and character, for he will have all around him men chosen for the right advice on matters of state. I’ve had my eye on a certain candidate who has these two factors in generous supply, plus much more of the knowledge of matters of state.

I cast my vote for Rick Santorum, the one who has the perfect family for the White House—remember my saying that early on too? I heard part of his speech today from Iowa. No teleprompters and spoken from the heart. He quoted Chuck Colson who said most of the inmates in our prisons today are there because of the breakdown of the idea of marriage. [Not a direct quote.] Santorum is a good man for these times. Chuck Colson knows what he’s talking about. He’s a very good man too, whose life work is trying to help prisoners find their way back and not repeat their crimes.

I’m not posting 31 blogs for December, though I could if not for the pain. ♥

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