Friday, December 30, 2011

Here Is More about that Nasty Fall

On Thursday, December 22, as I was about to enter WinCo supermarket I fell, and someone called 911. For once, I heard the siren blowing for me. My spine was fractured but did not require surgery. The silliest thing a doctor can say to a woman living alone is, "Rest, and time will heal it." So, five days later, around 5:30 a. m., I fell again, hitting the same spot on the hip. (I must have strong bones.) This time, I had to press my Watch Dog alert for help, for I couldn't move my body. Believe me, the fire department’s turning metal against metal to get into my house is about the most wonderful sound in the world. Firemen are my heroes, and they were there in about five minutes.

The paramedics were right behind them, of course, and I opted not to go back to Emergency. So, I am living with the pain of recovery and reading anything seems not to delight at the moment.

But I want to tell you what I learned in the process.

The firemen got here first but they did not come to the room where a dim light showed and where I was. In fact, they could actually partially see me from the entryway, and see pictures I had knocked down from the wall, but I could not see them at first. But they went in the other direction.

I think there were two reasons for that: they knew the paramedics had arrived, and in this day of high and weird crimes, they checked out the house. Then they came to me, saw they weren't needed further, and departed. Later, I saw they had left a light burning in my study. Well, I'm glad they do check that way, even in a nice neighborhood. That conclusion goes into my memory for "crime facts." ♥

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