Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our Fourth Greatest President

It could have been easily missed on Bill O’Reilly’s show last night, or the night before, for he didn’t stress it. If I heard right, he said that Obama named the three greatest presidents the USA had had. Their names slipped by me before I realized what O’Reilly said. Then Obama added he himself was the fourth! O’Reilly said, “George Washington was not in the list.”

Well, Obama ranks first on another list of presidents: the First Most Unbalanced President, full of egotism and hubris. ♠
Newt Is the One

While I recently predicted Santorum would win the Iowa caucus (and came within 8 points of doing so, and that count is questionable), I’ve also said Newt Gingrich is the only one of the GOP candidates who can possibly defeat Obama. I now say Newt will likely win the New Hampshire Primary next Tuesday.

Some of you might have just now seen and heard what I saw and heard on C-SPAN2, when Newt had a highly successful and rousing town hall meeting-type gathering in New Hampshire, that cinched my decision. Without teleprompters he talked about an hour, covering every important aspect of what’s wrong with the present administration and what he could do and would do to fix it. He spoke in mainly long sentences of which every one was greeted with enthusiastic applause. His short sentences were cleverly pithy, interspersed at just the right time. This is the first occasion—it seems to me—that he has actually had the opportunity to speak at length without media interference. He’s still there, accepting kudos and photo shots.

Tonight’s debate will be an important one and there’s another one tomorrow morning. I do not know which channels these are scheduled for. I hope you will make an effort to take one of these in. ♥

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Two Winners in the Iowa Caucus

Well, I picked a winner, didn’t I? Santorum got only eight fewer votes than Romney received. Both of them made great speeches afterwards, but if anyone is dreaming of following in the footsteps of Ronald Reagan, Santorum comes closer to that goal, as far as speech-making is concerned. Both Candidates have lovely families. It will be interesting to watch those young people, if they end up in the White House.

Santorum also proved it does not take a fortune to maintain an organization to get elected. Or a bus! A truck can get you there.

Two of last night’s candidates seem to be about to drop out of the running. But in the case of Newt Gingrich and his rivals, we are told to expect fireworks in New Hampshire, starting today. I don’t anticipate watching that but catch some of it in reruns.

I am having a particularly painful day, otherwise, with my injuries. ♥

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Iron Lady

Michelle Bachman said today in Iowa that she wanted to be America’s Iron Lady. If she is elected president, what would her husband be called? First Gentleman? First Man? First Husband? I prefer First Man of these names, but then he would be nicknamed Adam, wouldn't he?

I figure this is already decided and just not revealed yet.

If all these uses here of the Passive Voice annoy you, you can rewrite the blog in the Active Voice. Thanks. ♥♥♥
A Nice Surprising Find

Today, an interesting link (to my Lindsley family) showed up on my blog work page. If you Lindsley cousins have ever wondered about the origin of the name Adrian Van Sinderen Lindsley, here is something to check out:

I first learned of AVS, without the surname Lindsley, in a Ford magazine over 50 years ago. I think the mag was called, perhaps still is, Ford Times, subscriptions given to customers who bought a new Ford. AVS was a wealthy man with splendid stables and carriages in the northeast, Connecticut, I think. I have no idea, at this point, the connection between AVS and our own g’g’grandfather Philip Lindsley, that the latter obviously named his eldest son, my g’grandfather, for this AVS. When time allows, I’ll read the link material. ♥