Saturday, December 17, 2011

Paul and Huntsman Belong in the Just Prior Blog

I meant no slight by forgetting Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman in discussing the GOP candidates. We keep hearing they don’t have a chance; that must have been in the back of my mind. They are also good men. Ron Paul is a medical doctor (OB/GYN, I believe). Why would a doctor leave his practice and go into Congress? Perhaps to change the laws which affect his profession? The talk says Paul may win the Iowa caucus but could not win the nomination. I don’t know enough about Huntsman to have an opinion.

Romney is gathering endorsements, but I think the only one of them who can beat Obama at the polls is Newt Gingrich. ♥


  1. I would like to see Ron Paul! His is an OB, in his lifetime he and his partner have brought into this world thousands of new and vibrant lives. In over 20 years delivering children his practice NEVER turned away a patient. They NEVER took medicare/medicade or any other government supported supplemental income! Those who could not afford to pay they donated their services too!!! RON PAUL 2012! He is the only candidate that acknowledges the problems in this nation and has a tangible real life plan to get it done.

    Merry Christmas Lindsley Rinard! Thank you for all you continue to give to this community and world. Your insight is inspiring!

  2. Thank you for this comment. I am glad to know more about Ron Paul. But how do you evaluate his ideas on foreign relations, specifically with regard to Israel? Do you not think the USA should defend it against the -ism that would would wipe it off the map? Isolation may be the way to go, but when would we start, in mid-stream? Lindsley Rinard
