Sunday, December 25, 2011

Good Report

If you’re keeping up with the progress of my recent accident, let me say I am a little better. It’s easier to get in and out of a chair, and I’ve found an excellent way to sit there for a rest. In a big wing-back chair, one ordinary toss pillow cushions my back. Under each arm stands a fat sofa pillow that rests the arms. Then while the arms rest, they also hold up my head. I can sleep in that position. My feet stay on the floor, and so, I don’t spend the night in that fashion, but must resort to the agony of getting into bed.

It’s such a hurt to function, that I forgot to open my Christmas presents till almost 4:00 this afternoon. What lovely gifts! Seems I’ll be watching some new DVDs while eating banana bread in candlelight, and wearing a new outfit. This pain-killer sends me to sleep at the computer; I’ve had three naps since starting this blog. Time to quit. ♥

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