Monday, January 13, 2014


First, yesterday when I got down from the highest bookshelf the boxed set of the books mentioned in the blog just before this one to read their exact titles, I fell down softly under the load, knocking over one small table, but holding on to the heavy box till the last mini-half-second. I wasn’t hurt, but I couldn’t get up off the floor. The location was only about four feet from the cord to pull for help, but between it and me was too much furniture, along with other books, and such, that I could not get “from here to there.” So, I scooted a good distance to do so, around the wingback chair, an occasional chair, an electric cord to a lamp, a small table, more books on the floor, and around the swivel chair that didn’t even lend a hand. I pulled the cord and waited and waited and waited. Finally someone knocked, but she did not have a key to open the door! So, she left to get a key. Then she saw she could not get me up off the floor without help. (I was taller than she.) She called some number and a newly-hired maintenance man arrived. By this time it was 20 minutes after the first pull of the cord. Then, I had to assure them I was not injured before they were allowed to help me up, after which I walked around to prove I was not hurt. This was no fun.

As for Chris Christie and the bridge “scandal,” I feel it will be a long dragged-out investigation before it’s settled. The Democrats are probably laughing all the way to the pub. That’s to be expected. But who in the world declared CC was the Republican “front runner?” No one asked me. I can think of a few GOP big-names in the Congress that I would vote for, rather than CC.

As for my Krauthammer blogs, it seems everyone has now read them, as he is no longer climbing in my blog charts. He got to second place but Hitchcock still is Number 1 with his two movies on the same plot.

If you are a fan of Megyn Kelly and her Kelly File, you may be interested in knowing her husband, Douglas Brunt, is a writer, author of the best-selling novel GHOSTS OF MANHATTAN. Megyn has called it “awesome.” I don’t know if it’s on my reading list or not. I may need to know more about it before I choose. ♥

1 comment:

  1. No, I'm sorry - falling is no longer permitted. Wish I could be there to reach the book box for you!
    Laura in Colorado
