Saturday, March 15, 2014


It is great to find a few minutes to write another blog after a real ordeal of insomnia. It is now 11:36 a. m., on Saturday and I'm just having my breakfast hot chocolate. No plans to go downstairs for lunch, as plenty of food is on hand in my apartment. Let me see how short I can make this, to tell you the interesting highlights of my life, as boring as they might well be for you. I shall go backward with the events. 

Two days ago, our Executive Director, who has an RN degree as well as a master's degree in another field, asked my permission to call my doctor to get a prescription for my insomnia. (If I had called, without that RN after my name, I would not have received this fast service.) He did some research and replied yesterday with an Rx he had called in to my druggist, and one of our chauffeurs drove me there to pick it up. I looked forward to a good night's sleep and went to bed by 10:00. It took an hour to get to sleep and then I woke at midnight, too wide awake to expect further sleep at that time. So, I got up to read. 

I could hardly move my body to get out of bed. That took at least a couple of minutes. Once on the side of the bed, it took at least five minutes to fit my feet into the waiting slippers. I was too afraid to try bending down to pick one up, for fear of falling on over. When I managed to stand, I found my legs almost totally disabled. But holding on to furniture and doors, I got to my chair in the living room, got the lights turned on and my feet up, and picked up a lighter-weight book than DUTY. (See next blog for that one.) After reading a while, at 4:30 I got back into bed and didn't sleep for another hour or so, and then slept till almost 10:00! This sleeping aid had worked in reverse, knocking my legs out from under me and keeping me awake. I shall not repeat this tonight. Enough of this sort of thing now.  

Our manicurist here is reading my copy of THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW and loves it. I thought she would. She has a unique situation: when she is waiting for the next client to show, she places the book right on her table, under the special light, and reads. *** 

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