Though there is no spare time waiting around, I'll nudge a note in here to tell you that yesterday I read my latest short story to a group of approximately 30 listeners, most of them women but six or so men. Upstairs Bingo was probably going strong, with other activities also in progress. I was delighted that so many of our brainier residents chose to hear some original fiction instead and more delighted that so many of them came up to me to praise the work. I do not know if this will go out for possible publication or if I should publish it in this blog. I'll think about that.
But somewhere I must find time to ready my tax information for my accountant. That should be done before doing anything with the story.
I have less than one chapter to read in the book I mentioned, by Ann Coulter. I am eager to talk about that.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
To continue what was taking place here the past few days, I'll jump right to it. The missing of the Malaysia 777 took a great deal of my time. Such events that concern our country (Didn't Boeing manufacture the plane?) I am always interested in, such mishaps, or crimes as the case might be. This trait in me is strong, and probably is what led me to join the Navy during wartime. I want things about my country done right by it and it to do right by others. This latest incident is a real dilly, and somewhere may be a legion of demons celebrating their success. Of course, evil doesn't win in the long run. I haven't caught up with the events today yet, for I've been busy writing blogs. I've just finished my second meal of the day except for fruit -- at 5:30 -- and plan to eat again around 9:00, after taking a long walk and having caught up on a bit of news. I haven't seen or heard anyone in person today yet. What a great uninterrupted writing session.
We got word we did not get the piano we were hoping for. So, we are doing okay with a borrowed keyboard. The piano will eventually come.
Our chef was out over a week, recuperating from surgery and we really missed him. Another cook was fired, probably a good thing.
I have no vision strong enough for reading other people's blogs. The last time I checked any of them, they were tiny print on top of photographs, and in microscopic writing elsewhere. I knew they were not written for me to read. I am, at the moment, typing in the largest font size available to me, but afterwards, if I don't forget, it will be transposed to a smaller size but not the microscopic. To speak straight, like Ann Coulter, for example, I shall add when any print comes to me in size 10, 11, or 12, I wonder if that person is stingy in other areas of his life! Many business communications are like that, and then, when you look for the telephone number to reply to, or the address, it's in the finest of print, likely lost in a web address that you can't answer to. That may be an attempt to thwart you not to reply and keep being charged with the sum stated, or whatever.
Also, the white print on the deep blue background of my blog, makes it easier for readers to read. It is not my favorite color, but is the easiest color. A blog is, first of all, to be communication. Why disguise it, I ask.
A Webster Collegiate Dictionary abides in my computer, making it extremely easy to see if I have used correctly the word being sought. If there were not these adjuncts to writing, I just couldn't write creatively. ***
To continue what was taking place here the past few days, I'll jump right to it. The missing of the Malaysia 777 took a great deal of my time. Such events that concern our country (Didn't Boeing manufacture the plane?) I am always interested in, such mishaps, or crimes as the case might be. This trait in me is strong, and probably is what led me to join the Navy during wartime. I want things about my country done right by it and it to do right by others. This latest incident is a real dilly, and somewhere may be a legion of demons celebrating their success. Of course, evil doesn't win in the long run. I haven't caught up with the events today yet, for I've been busy writing blogs. I've just finished my second meal of the day except for fruit -- at 5:30 -- and plan to eat again around 9:00, after taking a long walk and having caught up on a bit of news. I haven't seen or heard anyone in person today yet. What a great uninterrupted writing session.
We got word we did not get the piano we were hoping for. So, we are doing okay with a borrowed keyboard. The piano will eventually come.
Our chef was out over a week, recuperating from surgery and we really missed him. Another cook was fired, probably a good thing.
I have no vision strong enough for reading other people's blogs. The last time I checked any of them, they were tiny print on top of photographs, and in microscopic writing elsewhere. I knew they were not written for me to read. I am, at the moment, typing in the largest font size available to me, but afterwards, if I don't forget, it will be transposed to a smaller size but not the microscopic. To speak straight, like Ann Coulter, for example, I shall add when any print comes to me in size 10, 11, or 12, I wonder if that person is stingy in other areas of his life! Many business communications are like that, and then, when you look for the telephone number to reply to, or the address, it's in the finest of print, likely lost in a web address that you can't answer to. That may be an attempt to thwart you not to reply and keep being charged with the sum stated, or whatever.
Also, the white print on the deep blue background of my blog, makes it easier for readers to read. It is not my favorite color, but is the easiest color. A blog is, first of all, to be communication. Why disguise it, I ask.
A Webster Collegiate Dictionary abides in my computer, making it extremely easy to see if I have used correctly the word being sought. If there were not these adjuncts to writing, I just couldn't write creatively. ***
While looking over my blogs of late, I made an interesting discovery. One graph showed a recent huge day of hits and when I checked to see what I wrote, I found a certain blog had been deleted by the Blogger. That is okay by me. I wouldn't want to cause an international incident, particularly at this time of crisis.
Then stranger stuff in addition. This blog doesn't want to move.***
While looking over my blogs of late, I made an interesting discovery. One graph showed a recent huge day of hits and when I checked to see what I wrote, I found a certain blog had been deleted by the Blogger. That is okay by me. I wouldn't want to cause an international incident, particularly at this time of crisis.
Then stranger stuff in addition. This blog doesn't want to move.***
Occasionally I check to see what bogs of mine have been the most read and what the category is. The list covers only the last year and a few months. Here they are:
#1-"The 39 Steps and North by Northwest;" 426 hits to date. The category is certainly about two entertaining films, but also about international intrigue including spies and romance.
#2-"Krauthammer, the Smartest Man on Television," 238 hits to date. When this one was climbing the charts, so to speak, numerous readers were in Poland. The popularity for this blog has waned. Since I am an independent blogger and not connected with face book, etc., I do not expect to find many pageviews in addition for this one. But Mr. K is still the smartest man on television.
#3-"Man's Unconquerable Mind," 223 hits to date. This is a work of philosophy, a subject that many may think is for just the elect, but this gem is about all people. It makes you think. It gets occasional hits still.
#4-"Earliest Memories" 198 hits to date. This psychological blog may educe either sad or happy memories. Some readers might not wish to go there.
#5-"Yours Is the Earth," 108 hits to date. This blog, with the additional blogs about this same book, has been called "the last chapter" to a factual book which was lacking its last and highly important chapter. I was deeply touched by the six comments that came with this blog, all from strangers. I had no idea I held the answer to a historic question which had been bothering them for several decades.
I will continue to check the list from time to time, and see if another blog will join the ranks of the first five. ***
Occasionally I check to see what bogs of mine have been the most read and what the category is. The list covers only the last year and a few months. Here they are:
#1-"The 39 Steps and North by Northwest;" 426 hits to date. The category is certainly about two entertaining films, but also about international intrigue including spies and romance.
#2-"Krauthammer, the Smartest Man on Television," 238 hits to date. When this one was climbing the charts, so to speak, numerous readers were in Poland. The popularity for this blog has waned. Since I am an independent blogger and not connected with face book, etc., I do not expect to find many pageviews in addition for this one. But Mr. K is still the smartest man on television.
#3-"Man's Unconquerable Mind," 223 hits to date. This is a work of philosophy, a subject that many may think is for just the elect, but this gem is about all people. It makes you think. It gets occasional hits still.
#4-"Earliest Memories" 198 hits to date. This psychological blog may educe either sad or happy memories. Some readers might not wish to go there.
#5-"Yours Is the Earth," 108 hits to date. This blog, with the additional blogs about this same book, has been called "the last chapter" to a factual book which was lacking its last and highly important chapter. I was deeply touched by the six comments that came with this blog, all from strangers. I had no idea I held the answer to a historic question which had been bothering them for several decades.
I will continue to check the list from time to time, and see if another blog will join the ranks of the first five. ***
She's not a daily participant on the telly, but a regular outstanding brain from time to time. Such as Krauthammer is the smartest man on television, Ann Coulter is the smartest woman on television. She has a law degree, writes for more than one publication, was the Writer in Depth for three hours one Weekend on C-SPAN, and has authored several books, this one being DEMONIC, copyrighted in 2011. I began reading this fascinating number before moving here, but there is such a thing as one book's getting into competition with another one. But I will continue to read this one along with DUTY, depending on how capable I am for holding the heavier book at the time.
Coulter begins her book with quoting Jesus from Mark 5:2-9. This passage features the word "legion" which refers to a multitude of demons in this case. What a powerful take-off for a book about the legion comprising the ignorant in our society who must be plagued by demons. They have another name, but I'll leave that for you to discover for yourself.
The author writes (and speaks) straight talk without apology. She quotes surprising speech from names we know and documents every quotation. She must spend hours reading each day to learn so much of current transgressions by the nigh and mighty. From watching her book-signing on television when DEMONIC debuted, I estimate her audience is highly masculine and that is understandable. Perhaps men can take her straight talk better than females. Perhaps some women are jealous of her beautiful extra long blond hair and her slender body, and her ownership of a residence in New York and another in Florida. I prefer to brag on her, especially for her upbringing in a family that had family prayers. I think she was the only girl with a couple of brothers. Maybe they furnished the opportunity for her to learn to be tough and speak tough while remaining a lady. You need to read this book, if you have not done so. ***
She's not a daily participant on the telly, but a regular outstanding brain from time to time. Such as Krauthammer is the smartest man on television, Ann Coulter is the smartest woman on television. She has a law degree, writes for more than one publication, was the Writer in Depth for three hours one Weekend on C-SPAN, and has authored several books, this one being DEMONIC, copyrighted in 2011. I began reading this fascinating number before moving here, but there is such a thing as one book's getting into competition with another one. But I will continue to read this one along with DUTY, depending on how capable I am for holding the heavier book at the time.
Coulter begins her book with quoting Jesus from Mark 5:2-9. This passage features the word "legion" which refers to a multitude of demons in this case. What a powerful take-off for a book about the legion comprising the ignorant in our society who must be plagued by demons. They have another name, but I'll leave that for you to discover for yourself.
The author writes (and speaks) straight talk without apology. She quotes surprising speech from names we know and documents every quotation. She must spend hours reading each day to learn so much of current transgressions by the nigh and mighty. From watching her book-signing on television when DEMONIC debuted, I estimate her audience is highly masculine and that is understandable. Perhaps men can take her straight talk better than females. Perhaps some women are jealous of her beautiful extra long blond hair and her slender body, and her ownership of a residence in New York and another in Florida. I prefer to brag on her, especially for her upbringing in a family that had family prayers. I think she was the only girl with a couple of brothers. Maybe they furnished the opportunity for her to learn to be tough and speak tough while remaining a lady. You need to read this book, if you have not done so. ***
It is great to find a few minutes to write another blog after a real ordeal of insomnia. It is now 11:36 a. m., on Saturday and I'm just having my breakfast hot chocolate. No plans to go downstairs for lunch, as plenty of food is on hand in my apartment. Let me see how short I can make this, to tell you the interesting highlights of my life, as boring as they might well be for you. I shall go backward with the events.
Two days ago, our Executive Director, who has an RN degree as well as a master's degree in another field, asked my permission to call my doctor to get a prescription for my insomnia. (If I had called, without that RN after my name, I would not have received this fast service.) He did some research and replied yesterday with an Rx he had called in to my druggist, and one of our chauffeurs drove me there to pick it up. I looked forward to a good night's sleep and went to bed by 10:00. It took an hour to get to sleep and then I woke at midnight, too wide awake to expect further sleep at that time. So, I got up to read.
I could hardly move my body to get out of bed. That took at least a couple of minutes. Once on the side of the bed, it took at least five minutes to fit my feet into the waiting slippers. I was too afraid to try bending down to pick one up, for fear of falling on over. When I managed to stand, I found my legs almost totally disabled. But holding on to furniture and doors, I got to my chair in the living room, got the lights turned on and my feet up, and picked up a lighter-weight book than DUTY. (See next blog for that one.) After reading a while, at 4:30 I got back into bed and didn't sleep for another hour or so, and then slept till almost 10:00! This sleeping aid had worked in reverse, knocking my legs out from under me and keeping me awake. I shall not repeat this tonight. Enough of this sort of thing now.
Our manicurist here is reading my copy of THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW and loves it. I thought she would. She has a unique situation: when she is waiting for the next client to show, she places the book right on her table, under the special light, and reads. ***
It is great to find a few minutes to write another blog after a real ordeal of insomnia. It is now 11:36 a. m., on Saturday and I'm just having my breakfast hot chocolate. No plans to go downstairs for lunch, as plenty of food is on hand in my apartment. Let me see how short I can make this, to tell you the interesting highlights of my life, as boring as they might well be for you. I shall go backward with the events.
Two days ago, our Executive Director, who has an RN degree as well as a master's degree in another field, asked my permission to call my doctor to get a prescription for my insomnia. (If I had called, without that RN after my name, I would not have received this fast service.) He did some research and replied yesterday with an Rx he had called in to my druggist, and one of our chauffeurs drove me there to pick it up. I looked forward to a good night's sleep and went to bed by 10:00. It took an hour to get to sleep and then I woke at midnight, too wide awake to expect further sleep at that time. So, I got up to read.
I could hardly move my body to get out of bed. That took at least a couple of minutes. Once on the side of the bed, it took at least five minutes to fit my feet into the waiting slippers. I was too afraid to try bending down to pick one up, for fear of falling on over. When I managed to stand, I found my legs almost totally disabled. But holding on to furniture and doors, I got to my chair in the living room, got the lights turned on and my feet up, and picked up a lighter-weight book than DUTY. (See next blog for that one.) After reading a while, at 4:30 I got back into bed and didn't sleep for another hour or so, and then slept till almost 10:00! This sleeping aid had worked in reverse, knocking my legs out from under me and keeping me awake. I shall not repeat this tonight. Enough of this sort of thing now.
Our manicurist here is reading my copy of THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW and loves it. I thought she would. She has a unique situation: when she is waiting for the next client to show, she places the book right on her table, under the special light, and reads. ***
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
As you might have guessed, I've had a holiday away from blogging, while staying right here. I want to continue that holiday for Pete is still acting up. However, time will not allow much blogging for a while, for other jobs have priority. Like taxes and such nuisances.
I am reading Robert Gates's DUTY and find it most interesting. The man who loaned this book to me was reading my copy of THINGS THAT MATTER but it proved too much for him. He gave it back today. I imagine Krauthammer's vocabulary was just too challenging for him. Oh, what he missed! And TTM is still on the nest-selling list, according to O'Reilly.
I've noticed my blog about the two movies "The 39 Steps" and "North by Northwest" continues to be read, or perhaps only looked at, but clicked on at least, several hundred times. Last night I saw about half of Hitchcock's earlier version of STEPS, and turned it off. The 2008 version is so much better.
With British films, I think Americans understand the speech better if the actors have started their careers on the stage, and have learned how to speak to the audience in person. Joan Hickson was the perfect Miss Marple and the several actresses who have tried the role since the death of Hickson, just aren't up to par. They speak as if they have worked only on film, and perhaps they have. ***
As you might have guessed, I've had a holiday away from blogging, while staying right here. I want to continue that holiday for Pete is still acting up. However, time will not allow much blogging for a while, for other jobs have priority. Like taxes and such nuisances.
I am reading Robert Gates's DUTY and find it most interesting. The man who loaned this book to me was reading my copy of THINGS THAT MATTER but it proved too much for him. He gave it back today. I imagine Krauthammer's vocabulary was just too challenging for him. Oh, what he missed! And TTM is still on the nest-selling list, according to O'Reilly.
I've noticed my blog about the two movies "The 39 Steps" and "North by Northwest" continues to be read, or perhaps only looked at, but clicked on at least, several hundred times. Last night I saw about half of Hitchcock's earlier version of STEPS, and turned it off. The 2008 version is so much better.
With British films, I think Americans understand the speech better if the actors have started their careers on the stage, and have learned how to speak to the audience in person. Joan Hickson was the perfect Miss Marple and the several actresses who have tried the role since the death of Hickson, just aren't up to par. They speak as if they have worked only on film, and perhaps they have. ***
Thursday, March 6, 2014
What a goof! Today I realized the print on the new box of Fig Newtons said 110 calories for two of the newts, not 10 as I had read before! That sounds more reasonable and still better for your children than other types of cookies with more sugar. Amy brought this to my attention. If all our mistakes were this silly, wouldn't it be a wonderful world?
An apology needs to come from the cooks in our kitchen. They don't prove they know how to tenderize chicken and beef before cooking them. Tonight, even with a steak knife, I couldn't cut the beef. Our chef has been in the hospital for surgery, and we miss him. He would have taken that steak back and brought one that was cutable.
What a goof! Today I realized the print on the new box of Fig Newtons said 110 calories for two of the newts, not 10 as I had read before! That sounds more reasonable and still better for your children than other types of cookies with more sugar. Amy brought this to my attention. If all our mistakes were this silly, wouldn't it be a wonderful world?
An apology needs to come from the cooks in our kitchen. They don't prove they know how to tenderize chicken and beef before cooking them. Tonight, even with a steak knife, I couldn't cut the beef. Our chef has been in the hospital for surgery, and we miss him. He would have taken that steak back and brought one that was cutable.
Last night I awoke around 3:00, about a couple of hours after I'd finally gone to sleep. Wide awake, I got up, had a cup of hot chocolate, and got the short story ready to re-send to the editor of WOMAN'S WORLD. It is ready for Amy to take to the Post Office, if she ever gets here today. (She's facing some health problems with her father at this time. It's possible she won't get here today.) I got back to bed around 5:00 and slept till after 9:00.
When I lose sleep this way, it does not seem to make me feel less capable the day after, but if I toss and turn for hours, it takes its toll. So, if this pattern keeps up, perhaps I can write the great American short story. If there is such a thing.
Last night I awoke around 3:00, about a couple of hours after I'd finally gone to sleep. Wide awake, I got up, had a cup of hot chocolate, and got the short story ready to re-send to the editor of WOMAN'S WORLD. It is ready for Amy to take to the Post Office, if she ever gets here today. (She's facing some health problems with her father at this time. It's possible she won't get here today.) I got back to bed around 5:00 and slept till after 9:00.
When I lose sleep this way, it does not seem to make me feel less capable the day after, but if I toss and turn for hours, it takes its toll. So, if this pattern keeps up, perhaps I can write the great American short story. If there is such a thing.
Today begin the sessions of a new activity here, NEWS CURRENT. I expect to attend it in 30 minutes from now. Some will come, doubtlessly, thinking of local news. But that's not the idea. The Universe is to be our territory, and most likely Russia and Ukraine today. Thursday afternoon is not a time I would choose for this, for Thursday is usually my day out for shopping, etc. But the truth is, there is no ideal time to work something new into the schedule. Time to get ready for the session now.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
For several days I've been noticing something on the telly that needed to be written about. Some of you may disagree with me, but many of you will recognize what I'm talking about has been around a long time and is firmly believed. It is about that space between your eyes. The width of that space means something. The age-old saying is that an extra narrow space between the eyes is a bad thing, even amounting to depravity. But before you look into a mirror, please hear me out. There are the narrow spaces and there are the pinched spaces, which are also narrow. These can mean different things. As I watch TV, I notice such characteristics on famous faces. And recently there has been a goodie. Before I tell you that one, let me say numerous of these famous faces have a small space between the eyes, but I hadn't noticed any pinched ones till lately.
What you must take into account is the whole face, whether it is square, long, oval, broad, or whatever. That space in question should rest comfortable so that one does not notice it. A long face might have a narrow space more likely than a broad face, etc. But if that space is pinched, not suiting the human face comfortably at all, beware! He or she may be a killer. Do not consider the age lines that cut deep in between the eyes as time goes by. The real pinched look has always been there. Take a look at Vladimir Putin's face if you want to see what I'm talking about. And he is a famous killer.
Years after I learned about the narrow space between the eyes meaning anything, I read about the extra wide space between the eyes! What a shock to find that means the same thing as the narrow spaces! So I've convinced myself this trait must not be so extreme. Many beautiful women have this attribute but the only one I can put a name to is Jackie Onassis. Her beauty was acclaimed, partly because of that feature. Now forget this about her and go back to the other name I gave you.
The next time you see Vladimir Putin's close-up on the telly, notice his pinched space and try to take in the idea that this killer has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014.
For several days I've been noticing something on the telly that needed to be written about. Some of you may disagree with me, but many of you will recognize what I'm talking about has been around a long time and is firmly believed. It is about that space between your eyes. The width of that space means something. The age-old saying is that an extra narrow space between the eyes is a bad thing, even amounting to depravity. But before you look into a mirror, please hear me out. There are the narrow spaces and there are the pinched spaces, which are also narrow. These can mean different things. As I watch TV, I notice such characteristics on famous faces. And recently there has been a goodie. Before I tell you that one, let me say numerous of these famous faces have a small space between the eyes, but I hadn't noticed any pinched ones till lately.
What you must take into account is the whole face, whether it is square, long, oval, broad, or whatever. That space in question should rest comfortable so that one does not notice it. A long face might have a narrow space more likely than a broad face, etc. But if that space is pinched, not suiting the human face comfortably at all, beware! He or she may be a killer. Do not consider the age lines that cut deep in between the eyes as time goes by. The real pinched look has always been there. Take a look at Vladimir Putin's face if you want to see what I'm talking about. And he is a famous killer.
Years after I learned about the narrow space between the eyes meaning anything, I read about the extra wide space between the eyes! What a shock to find that means the same thing as the narrow spaces! So I've convinced myself this trait must not be so extreme. Many beautiful women have this attribute but the only one I can put a name to is Jackie Onassis. Her beauty was acclaimed, partly because of that feature. Now forget this about her and go back to the other name I gave you.
The next time you see Vladimir Putin's close-up on the telly, notice his pinched space and try to take in the idea that this killer has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
If you have not kept up with the news lately, you might have missed this one item. Majority Leader of the U. S.Senate, Harry Reid, has called the people complaining about losing their insurance which deprives them of costly drug treatments--liars! He repeats the idea with other words in addition, such as making up the story "out of whole cloth." He proves he watches the wrong television channel to get the news. Perhaps NBC and other channels might fabricate such a story, and I can't see Harry Reid watching Fox News. His head has long been down in the sand.
If you don't know the man I'm talking about, search for him in action in the Senate. How did he ever get elected leader? He is not a good public speaker and does not have the appearance as a speaker or leader of anything. His voice is weak and he holds his head generally in a way that says he is opposed to any other's opinion whatever it may be. He will likely be facing lawsuits over this humongous error.
If you have not kept up with the news lately, you might have missed this one item. Majority Leader of the U. S.Senate, Harry Reid, has called the people complaining about losing their insurance which deprives them of costly drug treatments--liars! He repeats the idea with other words in addition, such as making up the story "out of whole cloth." He proves he watches the wrong television channel to get the news. Perhaps NBC and other channels might fabricate such a story, and I can't see Harry Reid watching Fox News. His head has long been down in the sand.
If you don't know the man I'm talking about, search for him in action in the Senate. How did he ever get elected leader? He is not a good public speaker and does not have the appearance as a speaker or leader of anything. His voice is weak and he holds his head generally in a way that says he is opposed to any other's opinion whatever it may be. He will likely be facing lawsuits over this humongous error.
The short story you've heard was in the process of creation was finished about a week or two ago. I had bought a small voice recorder and the plan was to record the story for a small group of readers here, without their knowing whose voice it was or who wrote the story. I might have given a prize to anyone who guessed correctly. Last night I tried recording it. Brand new recorder and brand new batteries. I couldn't believe what I heard: what sounded like a man's voice and in slow motion! I found nothing on the machine about speed control. I learned also it must have been picking up a sound every time I moved the screen higher, although I could not hear the sound myself. The next try will be from across the room.
This story is fiction, of course, but as I wrote about a situation that is out of this world, I realized certain facets of this existence that might really be possible. That made the point of the story more profound as well as explaining questions in the dialogue. It is a situation that needs its own word, for our vocabulary is lacking one for this situation--I imagine. In time, perhaps this scientific or psychological discovery (not necessarily beneficial) will have real possibility and the word will already be there for it! So I probably shall let one of the characters, perhaps the main character, create the new word. It could go into dictionaries in time. This new word will relate to a subject that has to do with one or more of my most popular blogs with numerous readers. I think it will be of interest to many of you, as those blogs keep having pageviews.
It just occurs to me that the classification for this story may be, in the long run, Scientific Fiction, without my intention. Perhaps it needs more thorough editing for that. The horizon is always climbing higher!
The short story you've heard was in the process of creation was finished about a week or two ago. I had bought a small voice recorder and the plan was to record the story for a small group of readers here, without their knowing whose voice it was or who wrote the story. I might have given a prize to anyone who guessed correctly. Last night I tried recording it. Brand new recorder and brand new batteries. I couldn't believe what I heard: what sounded like a man's voice and in slow motion! I found nothing on the machine about speed control. I learned also it must have been picking up a sound every time I moved the screen higher, although I could not hear the sound myself. The next try will be from across the room.
This story is fiction, of course, but as I wrote about a situation that is out of this world, I realized certain facets of this existence that might really be possible. That made the point of the story more profound as well as explaining questions in the dialogue. It is a situation that needs its own word, for our vocabulary is lacking one for this situation--I imagine. In time, perhaps this scientific or psychological discovery (not necessarily beneficial) will have real possibility and the word will already be there for it! So I probably shall let one of the characters, perhaps the main character, create the new word. It could go into dictionaries in time. This new word will relate to a subject that has to do with one or more of my most popular blogs with numerous readers. I think it will be of interest to many of you, as those blogs keep having pageviews.
It just occurs to me that the classification for this story may be, in the long run, Scientific Fiction, without my intention. Perhaps it needs more thorough editing for that. The horizon is always climbing higher!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
March 1st, in this location, is overcast, a dreary look outside, and I believe a bit of wind blowing. If I looked down further, I might see the sidewalks are wet. So little rain here, but now California farm land is getting the rain. Good! I wonder what everyone thinks about the weather phenomena we've had in recent months and that we expect to continue into a very hot summer this year. Scientists have answers, of course (not Al Gore), but they are not giving God any credit or blame about weather, when He may be trying to get our attention.
Some of our attention should focus on Putin and his aim for Ukraine. The Russian Parliament has approved his use of armed forces in Ukraine. Our president said something in reply, but will he be believed? His weakness has spread far and wide over the world. His plan to cut our military power down to pre-WWII size lets the world know he does not mean business with his threats. Why is this president doing everything in the opposite way it should be done? Are all those czars he put into good jobs as advisers coming up with these ideas and is his I.Q. not high enough to understand what they come up with? It must be that, that he has a low I.Q., right?
George Washington wrote that in order to plan for peace, we must be prepared for war. That's common sense. Who would attack us if we were armed to the hilt? As someone in the news said recently, in essence, it's far better to be fully prepared for battle and never need it, than to meet the enemy and not be prepared. ***
March 1st, in this location, is overcast, a dreary look outside, and I believe a bit of wind blowing. If I looked down further, I might see the sidewalks are wet. So little rain here, but now California farm land is getting the rain. Good! I wonder what everyone thinks about the weather phenomena we've had in recent months and that we expect to continue into a very hot summer this year. Scientists have answers, of course (not Al Gore), but they are not giving God any credit or blame about weather, when He may be trying to get our attention.
Some of our attention should focus on Putin and his aim for Ukraine. The Russian Parliament has approved his use of armed forces in Ukraine. Our president said something in reply, but will he be believed? His weakness has spread far and wide over the world. His plan to cut our military power down to pre-WWII size lets the world know he does not mean business with his threats. Why is this president doing everything in the opposite way it should be done? Are all those czars he put into good jobs as advisers coming up with these ideas and is his I.Q. not high enough to understand what they come up with? It must be that, that he has a low I.Q., right?
George Washington wrote that in order to plan for peace, we must be prepared for war. That's common sense. Who would attack us if we were armed to the hilt? As someone in the news said recently, in essence, it's far better to be fully prepared for battle and never need it, than to meet the enemy and not be prepared. ***
March 1st, today, a new beginning in short time. Fortified with my yellow cup of hot chocolate with a hint of nutmeg, I'll bring my readers up to date on a few things. The baby grand piano is selected and the last I heard of it, our Executive Director was awaiting a call back on the price. I don't pester her about that, but I'm eager for it to materialize in our dining room. Because some miracles happen here after hours (quite a staff working here then), last night after 10:00, I took a walk and checked out the dining room. No piano yet.
Our first newsletter has come out. The E. D. had asked me to read her article in advance and "make corrections" if needed. As that is my delight sort of thing, I agreed. I kept waiting for it. Then yesterday, while I was sitting under the hair dryer in the salon, she came in, spoke to the hairdresser, and then saw me. She said she had been to my suite, looking for me. She held a paper in her hand, her article for me to read and she needed it in the next few minutes! And there I was, no good pen in my purse and without my magnifying glass! The manicurist loaned me a pen, the regular type that I shun, but I took it. The typing seemed to me about a font size 8 but I did the best I could. (It was probably actually 12.) The newsletter turned out fine. I found my copy in my mail-holder at my door (not mailbox). If my services are required next month, I hope to be ready with the better pen and with my magnifying glass.
Now for my reading, which has been spasmodic and quite brief because of other requirements. I lack only about 35 pages in THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW. You'd finish it easily, but you would not be holding the heavy book in your left hand and a magnifying glass in your right, would you? The pages are not short, but are well-packed with words. And at the beginning of each chapter, I have to read a while before knowing who is talking. I believe this book, among several other descriptions, is a murder story. A particular murder hasn't happened yet, but there is the love of money. You recall, I assume, that the love of money is the root of all evil. I anticipate the "no shadow" girl will steal a life for the money she gains in the process. She admits to stealing other lives, even her own mother's. I don't recommend this book.
My hot chocolate is all gone. Do try it with nutmeg. It won't turn you into a witch. I'm having my lunch today in my suite so that I can get some work done. But before that I must finish breakfast. ***
March 1st, today, a new beginning in short time. Fortified with my yellow cup of hot chocolate with a hint of nutmeg, I'll bring my readers up to date on a few things. The baby grand piano is selected and the last I heard of it, our Executive Director was awaiting a call back on the price. I don't pester her about that, but I'm eager for it to materialize in our dining room. Because some miracles happen here after hours (quite a staff working here then), last night after 10:00, I took a walk and checked out the dining room. No piano yet.
Our first newsletter has come out. The E. D. had asked me to read her article in advance and "make corrections" if needed. As that is my delight sort of thing, I agreed. I kept waiting for it. Then yesterday, while I was sitting under the hair dryer in the salon, she came in, spoke to the hairdresser, and then saw me. She said she had been to my suite, looking for me. She held a paper in her hand, her article for me to read and she needed it in the next few minutes! And there I was, no good pen in my purse and without my magnifying glass! The manicurist loaned me a pen, the regular type that I shun, but I took it. The typing seemed to me about a font size 8 but I did the best I could. (It was probably actually 12.) The newsletter turned out fine. I found my copy in my mail-holder at my door (not mailbox). If my services are required next month, I hope to be ready with the better pen and with my magnifying glass.
Now for my reading, which has been spasmodic and quite brief because of other requirements. I lack only about 35 pages in THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW. You'd finish it easily, but you would not be holding the heavy book in your left hand and a magnifying glass in your right, would you? The pages are not short, but are well-packed with words. And at the beginning of each chapter, I have to read a while before knowing who is talking. I believe this book, among several other descriptions, is a murder story. A particular murder hasn't happened yet, but there is the love of money. You recall, I assume, that the love of money is the root of all evil. I anticipate the "no shadow" girl will steal a life for the money she gains in the process. She admits to stealing other lives, even her own mother's. I don't recommend this book.
My hot chocolate is all gone. Do try it with nutmeg. It won't turn you into a witch. I'm having my lunch today in my suite so that I can get some work done. But before that I must finish breakfast. ***
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