Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Question for the Media

Earlier, I mentioned I like to see a bit of intellectuality from the man in the White House. Then last night a business man in Las Vegas, Steve Wynn, in quoting Henry Kissinger, told a group of people that only two things are required from any president, intelligence and character, for he will have all around him the best brains in the business to advise him. That fits Cain.

Then a comment from Brit Hume was sort of what I had been trying to say about Cain. Hume said, in the debates, Cain talked about the topic up to an edge of his information and understanding, and then only repeated himself after that. But he said Newt Gingrich could talk in great depth on the subject, for he had always been able to do so, for he was brilliant. I agree with that. Newt is still climbing in the polls, but rough times are apparently ahead from the media.

But I want to pose a question about Gingrich, or rather about the media. We have probably all heard him say over television he is aware of his past sins, and that he has confessed them to God and has been forgiven. Then he has joined the Catholic Church and is happy and fulfilled with that experience. Now Media will be bringing up these past sins, of course, and will ignore the new man that Gingrich has found in his religion. My question to the media is: isn’t this change in Gingrich exactly what the Christian religion is about, repentance, forgiveness, and redemption? If Christ were among us today, He would likely ask, “Which of you will cast the first stone?” ♥

1 comment:

  1. It is well and good that Gingrich has "come clean" about his past sins. I think the media will be far more forgiving for someone who has done so, rather than for Cain, who seems vague and hasn't seemed to have defended himself well against these allegations. Unfortunately, if he defends himself at all, he will be subjected to the "methinks he protesteth too much" school of thought. Adding to this, of course, is the fact that neither he, nor ANY conservative will ever be the darling of the liberal media! It (media) doesn't readily "discover" or stand opposed to the indiscretions of its own plush pets!

    In regards to the national media and faith, it is really impossible for anyone who has not passed through the process of regeneration to understand anything of a spiritual nature, for it is "foolishness to them".

    Also, "Christianity" is like the proverbial elephant that defies suitable explanation. There are too many denominations and sects, and too many misinterpretations of the Bible to clarify to the world what "true" Christianity is all about. "The world" has never taken kindly to it; in fact it has always stood opposed to it, and only the genuinely seeking heart will succeed in finding it. Thank you; I always enjoy reading your blogs! Amy
