Sunday, November 30, 2014


Your readership, naturally, has a diversified range of interests for your news with pictures. However, it has become quite lopsided.  Many sports addicts prefer one click for just sports. Others may prefer scantily dressed female celebrities. Believe it or not, some like the morbid stories you report. Scientific discoveries fascinate many, even if they don't know much about science. The food stories need their own click. And so does Health. But more readers probably go for NEWS, especially international news, than anything else. Well, maybe real NEWS is second, for sports seem to be taking over. How about celebrating BOOKS, for a change? Or architecture? Or churches? Or just beautiful, sweet little babies? 

For a few days right after 9/11 you seemed to take life seriously. But it didn't take long for you to change, as if 9/11 didn't happen. The least you can do, is get sports out of the real news and let its devotees look elsewhere. 

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