Friday, August 20, 2010

My Try at Night Running

What a glorious morning it is where I am. It will be hot, of course, with 94 degrees predicted. I’m getting a late start and am just finishing breakfast at 11:30, because I slept late. I read 102 pages in a book last night, beginning after 10:00, and then went to bed and ran. Well, I started running (mentally, remember?), but I tired rather quickly (am not accustomed to running) and fell asleep.

I started running on a street in the city, but the houses distracted me, and I leaped (or leapt, if you prefer) over all that and ran awhile on a two-lane highway, new asphalt and freshly painted yellow line, uphill of all things. Then I got scared. It was in a no-buildings sort of place, perhaps way out in Idaho somewhere, or Nevada, and I had to hide before a car came by. I opted for running through overgrown dried vegetation (as seen in a war film recently) and I ran, twigs crackling under my shoes. Then I fell asleep. I don’t remember a dream, but who needs to remember dreams, with an imagination like mine? It’s still working. What if there had been snakes?


  1. "Leap over them!" I enjoyed your "mental calorie burn" tremendously! It is very difficult to concentrate for a long period of time on mentally running, or riding a bike, or swimming, etc., as other thoughts usually intrude! I grew up riding and training horses, and so sometimes, I like to imagine I am riding my best horse, "Cimarron" at a fast gallop down a red-dirt Alabama road! Amy
