Saturday, February 18, 2012

Greetings! I’m Back.

How I have missed blogging! As I saw a bit of a special tonight about Glen Campbell’s Alzheimer’s, and his wife’s saying his singing in the current tours seemed to be beneficial to his disease, I believed her, for I think my writing makes me many times happier and therefore, healthier.

What about you? What do you like to do most in the manner of actually accomplishing a useful job? For one lady I read about years ago, that happy chore was keeping her new stainless steel refrigerator shiny! She said she’d rather polish it than watch television.

Not only did I miss the writing, but also the reading. I wasn’t in a good environment for reading, mainly because of poor lighting both day and night. All the bright lights concentrated their beams over the corner basin, rather than any location where one might read. But you’ll hear about those last six weeks soon, when I’m more adjusted to my new apartment. Thanks to several of you for writing to me, wondering about the blog. I had almost 100 e-mails to check out and will admit, I deleted quite a few with little attention. I hope to write at length of my experience at a care center for these six weeks. When I complained to the Administrator of the place about the food there, he said, “I bet you’ll be writing about it.” How right he was. Watch for it. ♥


  1. I am glad you are back to writing and giving us something to read about. I missed it very much. We hope to visit you sometime later this summer or early fall.

  2. Welcome Back! I also believe participating in what interests you such as writing, singing or cleaning makes for a much healthier and longer life.
