Friday, June 5, 2015


 . . . you might think. Time is flying and this is one flight that must not crash. It’s just around the air-corner, so to speak. We should all be studying these candidates before we end up voting for the wrong one, which many have done before. I remember my first presidential election to vote in and many times since I’ve suspected fraud on that occasion. In a sizable city in the South I voted several miles from the city center and was the only one voting at the moment, a moment before others got off work. I recall only one person working there; perhaps the others were having fifteen minutes off before the rush started. I was surely a naïve first-time voter (no television, you know) and I had never seen a voting machine before. The officious lady who showed me how to place my ballot and how to press in my vote said, “If you want to vote for the entire party ticket, just pull this lever up here.” Then she pulled the lever to demonstrate it and left me alone. However, my ballot was in place when she pulled that lever. Common sense would say a voter could not register the lever twice in voting a party’s entire slate even if he could pull it. I was too inexperienced to question it or report it. I could prove nothing without making a fool of myself. I opted for the fool-proof method.

Of course, my party did not win the election. I have imagined the woman’s glee as she heard me pull that lever for my whole party, no matter which one I voted for. She had already voted for me! Now, I could have been wrong with this accusation. I didn’t know who the lesser candidates were; I was out to vote for the president and his veep but the lady did not offer me a chance to do that.

So far in this election, I believe ten Republicans have announced, but others are shown as likely candidates yet to file. I keep removing their names as I hear questionable information, and I’m already down to one candidate, who may not really have a chance to win election. I will not tell you that one’s name yet.

Among the prominent Democrats, one prominent name is most prominent. I heard yesterday she says she will not give any interviews! People will have to hear her speech. Why? Is it because she doesn’t want to answer certain questions about the scandals in her career? It seems to me that would be a sure way of losing an election.

Whatever or Whoever shows up for the race for presidential candidacies, learn all you can about him or her. Don’t jump to conclusions.  Read, read, read. ♥

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