Monday, April 21, 2014


A retirement center is a good place to teach. The Residents teach, I mean. Teach the kitchen staff and the wait staff especially. Most of the Residents seem to have a serious memory loss, and when they complain about too much sugar in meals, and such mistakes, they forget their complaint by the time they leave the dining room. All except one Resident. Each day, I thank God for the excellent memory I was born with, inherited by both parents and also self-cultivated by a lifetime of crossword puzzles, voracious reading, and loads of Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6, Folic Acid and Concord grape juice. I learned about these aids for memory by READING. 

For example, the newish members of the wait staff are in the habit of saying "Sorry about that," to others, and not paying any attention to the statement.  This has not been said to me yet, but when it is said to me, if ever, I will give my sermon on it: The only way you can show you are sorry about this is never to make this mistake again

If I could teach the wait staff just this much while I'm here, it would be worthwhile. They need to learn to make such promises to themselves and then take them seriously.

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