Friday, November 29, 2013


Many viewers would agree with me, but many others surely have not heard of Charles Krauthammer, even if his new book Things That Matter reigns at or near the top of the best-seller list. He doesn’t do comedy, if you look for that, but exhibits the highest type of humor, the intellectual gem, the type which perhaps most people do not understand as laugh-provoking. In my reading in his book last night, an excellent example of his intellectual funny bone popped up on the page when he referred to “the geneticist’s old witticism that a chicken is just an egg’s way of making another egg.” He must have thought that was worth retelling and it was. It struck me as laughably funny.

What makes a man smart like Krauthammer? In addition to all the reasons you may come up with for that one, let me mention something he said in one of his recent interviews on Fox News. His father told him to learn everything, not to do everything, but to learn everything.

To learn everything, one would have to read a great deal. His big brother taught him in childhood all about sports. He loves chess but learned it’s addictive and he was smart enough not to let that happen to him.

But Charles Krauthammer had a mountain of things to learn after his accident. With astonishment, I saw him drive a car, especially made for him. And how wonderful that he has learned to handwrite again. We see him in a wheelchair on television (well, we don’t see the chair but it’s there).

I will talk more about this book and this man in future blogs. ♥

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