Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The authors of the best selling Killing Jesus must be busy researching and writing the sequel, because many people recognize their story, as it is presented, is unfinished. Killng Jesus is an appealing story, especially perhaps more for those who never knew the story of Christ’s life, so far as this book goes, but twice [I think it was twice] they present Jesus as saying He will tear down the Temple and build it back in three days. What a cliff-hanger! And we expect to have cliff-hangers explained by the end of the book, the movie, or whatever. O’Reilly and Dugard do not explain.

Christians everywhere know that when Jesus died, the veil in the Temple split in two, and within three days, Jesus arose from the dead. In a short while after that, He met in human form with His disciples and hundreds of other people, and He told them that the way He was leaving them was the manner in which He would return, and then He ascended in a cloud into Heaven. Of course, His bones have not been found anywhere on the earth. It would be nonsense for anyone to expect to find them. He took His bones with Him when He went to Heaven.

It is important to note that O’Reilly stated at the beginning of their book that they had consulted only one version of the Bible for their information. Please, sirs, more thorough researchers would have checked all the known versions of the Bible to write Killing Jesus. (to be continued) ♥

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this immensely! And I heartily concur. Looking forward to the continuation. So good to see you are back at your blogs! Amy J
