Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hilary, Obama, and the Senator

Another presidential election is not far away, with potential candidates already seeming to be testing the waters. But before you choose the one you want to see in the White House, let me remind you of a few things that happened before and tell you something you probably do not know. Researchers can verify the story if they wish.

The time period in question was during the Democratic Party’s campaign for presidential nomination which resulted in the win of Barack Obama. After slamming each other month after month, Hilary and Obama had a secret meeting in the Washington-area home of Senator Dianne Feinstein. I heard the Senator herself tell this on television. I began listening when she said someone had asked her for the meeting place, but I don’t recall who asked. She said the two candidates came to her house for a meeting and while they were there, she—Feinstein—stayed upstairs and did not hear the conversation downstairs. As soon as she made the statement, it seemed someone got her away from the microphone as if she should not have told this.

I watched for the re-airing of this bit of news, the type to be shown several times around the clock, but I never heard it again and never heard anyone else speak of it. I even sent an e-mail to a popular television commentator and heard nothing from him about it. All he had to do was tell the meeting occurred. He didn’t have to know the secrets of the discussion.

But when enough time had passed to disguise any connection between that meeting and Hilary’s next important move, she withdrew from running for the nomination and began campaigning for Obama. But I thought at the time, there was a connection, a big connection. Let’s analyze it.

Doesn’t it make sense that the one who suggested the meeting in the first place would have a request to ask of the other? And wouldn’t that person also know he or she would have to offer something in return? I think this happened. Obama was elected President with Hilary’s help and he named her Secretary of State. But wouldn’t Hilary want more than that out of the deal? They are two of a kind. If she were elected president, perhaps she would assume the health care mess that Obama created. Remember, the first major thing Hilary did when her husband became president was to try to rush through a health care program at great expense. It failed. It seems Obama’s health care plan is failing too.

Haven’t we had enough socialism in this country? I suggest you read an excellent biography of Hilary, A Woman in Charge by Carl Bernstein. Read how she would perform as the woman in charge. Everyone now knows Obama lied big. When Bernstein was interviewed shortly after his book came out, he was asked what one word would he use to describe Hilary. He said, "Liar." She is smarter than Obama and perhaps more dangerous. She said in her college days, she wanted America revolutionized to her thinking, not through violence, but through law. Are you going to give her that power?

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