Friday, September 23, 2011

Catching Up

What a wonderful day! I slept till 9:00 this morning, having gone to sleep last night at11:00. That is 10 hours! But it had been a long and tiring day out yesterday. The extra chores included getting a flu shot at a supermarket, and verifying that the book I most wanted to read on my new Nook, Barnes and Nobel doesn’t offer in its millions of books available to a Nooker. It is The Lantern-Bearers, essays, by Robert Louis Stevenson. I own the actual book, which I bought from B&N, but it’s one I haven’t read. I would hate to pay to read all the books I own but haven’t read yet That would be double jeopardy.

I am finishing with a strong magnifying glass, one book started before the latest attack on my eyesight. It was past halfway read and I can handle only a couple of pages at a time, for something more important beckons, like last night’s presidential debate. I don’t intend to review that now, but I do want to point out a great speech Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gave before the United Nations. I hope to make a copy of it. Its key sentence, in my opinion, was that the UN is “a theatre of the absurd.” What a perfect description of it! He illustrated how it was that. It will probably rerun tonight on some news channel. I hope none of you will miss this important speech. ♥

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