Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Candidates

I am talking about the Republican candidates for the presidency. What a large group of them are currently campaigning. If the Democrats are so unhappy with the man they put into the White House, why don’t they come up with a new candidate among their party? What is wrong with the man in the first place that he has become so unpopular? Let’s see.

He promised change. He never explained what changes he would make. So, the gullible public concluded they would be changes for the better. However, I can’t be the only one who saw through him. I knew his changes would be for the worse. Many people now say that everything he has done was just the opposite of what he should have done. The latest straw seems to be his decision to leave only 3,000 of our troops in Afghanistan after the end of this year, not only against the advice of the military leaders involved, but also against the wish and hope of the Afghans. Of course, he never consults Congress in matters of war. Or anything else, as a matter of fact. So, with this problem and the sick economy, which Republican candidate can possibly make it better?

Many of them have baggage they could do without. I won’t go into that. But who looks good at this point? The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, looks much like Ronald Reagan. As I watch him, I think he uses that resemblance to the hilt. That is a bad habit. He is not Reagan. This candidate has difficulty holding his face still so that one can study it. Character and more should appear there. Substance wise, he has not proved himself yet. He may be spending too much time before mirrors. He might have accomplished great things for Texas, but the country is different territory.

John Bolton talks well and I agree with what he says, but he was once Ambassador to the United Nations. Perhaps he was there to make it a better organization but it will go against him with millions of voters.

The smartest one in the line-up is Newt Gingrich. There probably is nothing in American history that he does not know and can expound on at length, if asked. (He knows much about other countries as well.) But intellectuals do not always make good politicians. Many are saying he does not have a chance, but at least he can continue writing good books that the winner can learn from.

Some voters are afraid of Mitt Romney’s religion, as if he would turn us all into Mormons. Remember when the first Catholic got into office, how many thought he would go by the church’s edicts instead of America’s. He did not, so far as I was aware. He was very busy doing other things.

Rick Santorum has many plusses for office, most notably strong patriotism, a two-term senate experience, his timely book It Takes a Family, a White House-quality family of his own, and I have heard nothing against him.

I just looked at the list of candidates and found several I had not heard of. I think for the day the above is enough to talk about. I may continue this.♥

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