Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bet you Haven’t Heard This

Today the word “love” is tossed around as if it were a salad without its dressing, a bit here and a bit there, with not much flavor. “I love you” has become the way to say “goodbye” over the telephone, or even “Love ya.” The more the word is used, the less it means. The only kind of love worth anything is unconditional love, and that’s not in these expressions.

When my generation was growing up, love had a different meaning. We seldom heard the word, except in church, but we knew we were loved at home. Actions assured us of that and we needed no other proof. That generation, mine, was a tough one, I suppose, but also called the greatest. Today married couples can go a long time without saying in words, “I love you,” if they really love each other. It is felt by a look; in private conversation; by inexpensive gifts, just because “I saw this cute little thing and I thought of you;” by sharing something of value, such as a paragraph of one’s reading or a bite of one’s favorite food for it’s so good; and simply by touching. But if any of these actions are planned or rehearsed, they will fall flat. Love is the reason; spontaneity is the means; and reciprocation is the result. Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Yes "I love you" is definitely thrown around very easily. I definitely like to hear it, but seeing it through actions if definitely important or the value will definitely dwindle.
