Monday, April 19, 2010

So Much All at Once

When I write in journals and diaries—and even now in blogs—it is easy not to refer to what’s going on in the country and in the world, I suppose because my imagination is so active for other details. But I want to write here, for posterity—if it survives—that currently the world is suffering from a different kind of disaster. Ash in the air from a volcano in Iceland has grounded thousands of flights a day all over the globe, and airports are full of people waiting. The last time I heard, a son of mine and his wife, who are grandparents of little Johnny, were trying to get home, but were stranded at Malta. Johnny’s parents need family with them at this time. I recall Mellow, in southern California, wanted some family with her when she went to her own baby shower, but had none. If she felt that need then, she must feel it now much more deeply. And we must never forget fathers feel too and are broken-hearted. I hope the grandparents are there soon.

What a loving family this one is. The nurses at the hospital must be amazed. Just think of all the terminally ill babies in hospitals, who have only one parent, and if they have siblings, they may not even go to the hospital; of those babies who have parents who don’t care and may only seldom visit the hospital; and those babies who are in the hospital because of parental abuse while their parent(s) are locked up in jail. Little Johnny’s siblings visited him and the whole family had the privilege of holding the baby in their arms. They will never forget this poignant experience. Their broken hearts will mend best when they show compassion for other people’s sufferings the rest of their lives, and I believe they will. God bless them all.

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