Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just Blogging Along

Writing a blog has several attributes that make it easy. I can write about anything I wish to write about, real or fancied. The postings don’t have to be related to each other, but my series of being in New York the summer of 1945 got quite a few comments (mainly through email) and a few have asked for the rest of the story. I’ll get around to that soon. Then, the blog can be of varying lengths. Mine looks longer than some other blogs in the family, but I use a larger font (Ariel is bigger than most, you know) and I’m allowed such a narrow width for mine. I don’t control that. But one of the best things about mine is that the deep blue background is easy on the eyes. I hope my readers appreciate that.

One day, somehow I got onto a blog by someone named Heather and I can’t find it again. If that Heather is reading this, I wish she would send me her blog address, for I want to follow it. Or any of you who know this Heather’s address. And guess what. The background of it was deep blue! Lovely.

So grandson Robert has time on his hands in Tripoli while his wife and baby are in South Korea for a few days, visiting her sister. Hey, Robby, it’s a good time to make some notes for writing that novel when you’re back in the States. What genre of novel do you want to write? Adventure, western, sci fi, horror, ghost, romance, mystery, suspense? I’m 20,000 words into my second suspense novel, about one-fourth finished. I revise as I go along, so that when I finish the so-called first draft, it’s done. That’s not the method many writers use, but many others do. One has to find his own method.

Another easy thing about blogging is that, if one has kept diaries all his life, or even for just a short period, he might dig into those and come up with a ready-made composition he can insert into the blog. Remember, Sarah Palin used her diaries when she wrote her Going Rogue. (Good book, too.) These days you can keep a diary online and just copy and paste. But when you blog, write a novel, and do email, there’s not much time for diary entries. But the blog can serve as a diary, if you make it interesting. You also need to remember, if you depend on the computer for all your writing, your penmanship will eventually go to the dogs. I wonder if any nitwits out there have tried to turn that word into “penwomanship.” Hilarious!

Another good use of blogging is that it keeps one in practice, if one is interested in serious writing “someday.” If the interest is there, however, one should NEVER let that practice substitute for the main writing one dreams of doing.

But perhaps the very best use of blogs is seeing the new babies born into the family (at a geographic distance) shortly after birth, and afterwards whenever the busy mother has time to write and show more pictures. I look forward to these.

After I wrote this blog, I learned the newest baby in our family, born last Sunday, is back in the hospital, fighting for his life in California. He has meningitis, but I haven’t heard what kind. Even if you do not know us, please pray for our little ♥Johnny♥.


  1. We don't yet know what strain of meningitis it is. It is bacterial, but not certain of the type. He is still so very sick, but stable at this point. I will update my blog with more information when I have it.

  2. GranMarie
    Heather's blog
