Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It Wasn’t Even April Fool’s Day

Recently two men arrived at my house separately but at the same time. I was expecting two persons, but one was an hour late. The doorbell rang. I answered. The guy at the door said he was the furnace man. The second man stood back a ways and I thought they were together, though usually only one man cleans the furnace.

I said, “Well, I’ll open the garage door for you.”

They both said, “It’s already open.”

“What? I’d better see if my car is still there.” I closed the front door and locked it, as always, then went through the laundry room to the garage. When I looked and saw no car parked there, I said something like, “Oh, my! But go ahead with your work.”

The furnace man went over to the furnace and began his job. The other man stood there beside me. Finally he said, “I’m the nurse here to check your Pro Time,” or something like that.

“Oh, a male nurse! Well, you’ll have to come through the laundry room, for the front door is locked.” I led the way.

He said, “But your car.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. But I just can’t get over that garage door’s being open. All night, I suppose.” I knew the cleaning lady had not left it open when she drove away the late afternoon before. And I knew I had not been in the garage that morning.

The nurse finally decided to come inside, telling me that sometimes other garage openers can open another’s garage as a car drives by. I told him yes, I’d heard of that. This little house has such good insulation that from inside it, I cannot hear the garage door’s being opened or closed. When the nurse took my blood pressure, he was amazed at its perfection. I wasn’t even rattled enough over a stolen car to make it soar!

Finally, I had to tell him, “I don’t have a car. I quit driving nearly three years ago. And there was nothing in that garage anyone would want. Now how is your blood pressure?”

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha what a good laugh. A male nurse, that won't be sore on your eyes.
