Thursday, May 21, 2015


If your computer works like mine, you can get the latest news before the day breaks, seldom something to share at the breakfast table, especially if little children are present. Where I live, few people keep up with the news of the world and so in the dining room, I tell my table the highlights that I learned by computer. This is not in the morning but at lunch or dinner.

The other night I went to bed early, at midnight, and could not get to sleep. Finally I got up and came to my computer, for I felt there was something important to hear. Indeed there was: the ISIS had taken over a major city in Iraq, not far from Baghdad, and had killed 500 people, and thousands were running to get out of that town. Strange it may seem, after that information, and after some fervent prayer, I got to sleep around 4:00 a. m. and slept till after 9:00. I wrote an e-mail to a granddaughter-in-law to tell her what I had just read for she was soon to fly to the Middle East with her two youngest children, still just babies, to be with her husband, my grandson, who was already there. I will not say what country is to be their home for the while. Since there has been no reply to my e-mail, I can only presume she had already left.

This grandson is the third male member of my immediate family to live and work in the Middle East, with their families there with them. In addition a nephew-in-law, a medical doctor, has spent time in that part of the world on several missions sponsored by Medical Teams International, without his family there with him.  I am always glad to know when they are safely back in the States. I am firmly convinced this tragic event in Iraq would not have occurred if American troops had remained there much longer. We need some really intelligent and patriotic leaders heading our country.

One good thing we seem to be doing right is accepting the boat load of refugees from Rohingya and Bangladesh. This incident reminds me of a work of historical fiction about the time of World War II, by a young couple who wrote several of these stories, but I can’t recall their names at the moment, but one thing I do remember was a large ship of Jewish refugees that no country would accept. So, the ship just kept sailing. That was heart-breaking for this reader. I am glad we are doing the right thing in reality, not just in a work of fiction.  ♥ 

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