Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This morning I read on my computer that death and taxes are not the only things we are all sure to face, but the president has a third one for us. Tonight I found out what that third thing is: he wants everyone to be required to vote! This is probably the dumbest remark any of our presidents ever uttered. If you think it is a good idea, just take a little time to study the proposition. 

First, you must realize that the majority of Americans are not politically savvy. They don't read. And many of them can be bought. Those of us who do read are aware that for some, only a pack of cigarettes will buy a vote and without any reading done to understand what an election is all about.

These same people who don't read probably do not realize a requirement to vote is un-American. That's taking away a basic freedom we have been blessed with for a few hundred years. Remember that Einstein became a naturalized citizen of America for it was a place where one would be free to think.   

Even though there are further reasons for not establishing such a foolish law, these two given here are critical for further discussion among your friends and acquaintances. We don't need any more  chicanery and subterfuge in our government. 

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