Sunday, March 22, 2015


Over the United States each year more retirement centers and homes appear on the scene, some with such luxuries as golf courses and swimming pools, and some with no more extra amenities than a hair and nail salon. The salon is a necessary adjunct to any place for people over the age of 80 or so most of whom can seldom give the proper care to their feet and their hair. 

But there is a problem that needs to be remedied. The chair on which one must sit to have one's hair done needs to be redesigned to suit the client's ability to get into it. Stuck out in the middle of the very area for the client's maneuverability is the footrest for use after one gets situated in the chair. This footrest needs to retract and get out of the way till the client is seated. It is too easy to fall anywhere. We don't need the unnecessary possibility for falling when someone out there can get this design done and patented. And I'll be happy with just 1/2 of 1% of sales for originating the idea. Now, who among you can run fastest to win this patent? 

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