Saturday, September 20, 2014


Once before in this blog, I wrote about the shadows of leaves the tree outside my third-story window made against the blinds. At the time of that display, it was around 7:00 in the morning. I never knew from that height just what the weather was doing on the first-story level. Often my tree exhibited havoc-playing, presaging a non-existing storm below. 

Today the scene burst upon my vision around 8:00, prompting me to lie abed a while longer to locate just one tiny leaf dancing about, but none did. It reminded me of another time in another place where the leaves at my window stopped dancing only after dark -- when the raucous birds stopped their otherwise constant chirping. At that rehab center where I spent two months and a half, care-givers tended to close the wooden window blinds at night and also close the doors to rooms. They learned quickly not to do either to my room: I wanted to see the sky as soon as dawn broke; see the sky beyond the quiet leaves; I wanted to see the first leaf wake up and then others get the idea it was day and time to start shaking. After supper, I returned to my room and from my wheelchair gazed through my window to watch the show and live with my thoughts. My two trees are/were different sorts -- I don't know what kind -- and do a different type of shaking and bouncing about. One has long limbs reaching straight up for the sky, and the other has short fat leaves that hug the limb and know they are going nowhere.

The spectacle was/is one that reflects God and His marvelous creation of a tree, among other marvels. Enjoy the leaves whenever you get a chance. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes, our deck is south-facing, and one of our favorite pastimes is to watch -no, SEE the sky, leaves, clouds, birds - we've had bald eagles, geese, hawks - and on the 4th of July we saw what appeared to be a turkey vulture. Incredible. God is so generous with His show. Happy Birthday! We love you, Laura and Tom from Colorado
