Saturday, March 26, 2011

No Surprise from the White House

If anyone doubted that a short career in community organizing was experience enough for running a country as large as the Unites States of America, or any country, you have your answer now. Our country is in such a mess that I wonder if it’s too late to clean up government and get the country back to normal. Plenty of others must believe it can be rescued, for numerous Republicans are considering running for the presidency in 2012. Occasionally these days we hear the word impeachment from a few members of Congress. Some of the public have long been thinking it. I heard two men agree recently on television, that Hilary, even with all her cunning and love of money, would actually have been a better president than Mr. O. I had already arrived at that conclusion.

As I observe the actions of the current man in the White House, it seems to me that every decision he makes is the wrong one, just the opposite of what it should be. He either doesn’t know how to lead the country in the right and moral way, or he does know but opts to lead it in paths alien to the United states but suitable for some other ideology. And he is too slow to announce a decision when it should be made, other than to say he will have a committee look into it. One of the first principles that marks a successful man is his making up his mind quickly and without a committee. Of course, the president should not make decisions that belong to the Congress or to the Supreme Court. We are supposed to have a separation of powers in the USA.

While Mr. O is out playing golf, vacationing in South America, or whatever, his czars back in Washington must be carving out the ridiculous laws forced upon us. That is SO un-American. November 2012 can’t get here soon enough!

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