Sunday, October 10, 2010

Obama’s Birth Date and Place

For over two years many Americans have questioned Barack Obama’s eligibility for election to the American presidency on the basis of the unrevealed proven location of his birth. Having spent his childhood and youth in Hawaii and Indonesia, he nevertheless seems to have left a paper trail for traveling on a non-American passport and registering as a foreign student for college financial assistance. These rumors may or may not be the truth, for he is a clever man, but it’s time to ignore them as rumors and read what someone has apparently found to be the truth.

Obama has a great deal in common with the author of the book I’m about to cite here. They were born the same year, finished college the same year, attended Ivy League colleges (different ones), and married the same year. The author, from India, is dark (but not black) and has a white wife. Obama is black (but not dark) and had a white mother. One went into politics; the other became a writer of politics. Dinesh D’Souza’s latest book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, relates on page 20, that two Hawaiian newspapers made mention of Obama’s birth on August 4, 1961, The Honolulu Sunday Advertiser and the Star Bulletin. That seems to settle the question.

But I would like to add my belief and that of many others that any American president preceding Obama would have, at the first inkling of doubt, offered proof of citizenship. But they didn’t need to. Their origins were already well known. Apple-pie American!

Every adult should read The Roots of Obama’s Rage. These 218 pages are well documented and the narrative is easy to read and understand.

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