Wednesday, March 2, 2016


 Why do so many Americans vote for a famous liar, a Socialist, or the most arrogant man alive at the cost of losing the only real Statesman in the line-up of candidates? I am white, but from the first debate, black Ben Carson has been my choice for president. I appreciate good humor and his first statement was loaded with humor while telling the truth. Remember? When the other candidates told what they had done and could do as president, he said he could separate Siamese twins. My guess is that in his area of expertise, neurosurgery, one cannot go any higher than separating Siamese twins.   

 Dr. Ben Carson has been special to me for another reason. He was head of his department at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where I spent some time when our youngest child was terminally ill with leukemia. I visited the medical library there and saw whole walls with huge pictures of the founders painted there. That library was a wonderful and quiet place to be. I imagine Ben Carson also found it so.

In politics, he is also tops. I read his book A More Perfect Union which masterpiece no other candidate could have written easily. If an elected official believes what Ben Carson wrote in that book, we would have a more nearly perfect union. But our current presidential candidates apparently are working for their own careers, while Carson has worked for our country and its future. Whoever gets elected, he needs to add Dr. Ben Carson to his cabinet.

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