Monday, February 8, 2016


 I have mentioned here a scarcity of comments concerning education when the current presidential election takes place. Yesterday I heard it clear and repeatedly one candidate said that he wanted government (D. C.) completely out of education! He wants parents to make the rules. Hurrah for Kasich! I liked him already and now he has put the icing on the cake. Also Jeb Bush looks better and better, as some are fading away.

 Nevertheless, my first choice is still Ben Carson. He probably knows more about education than all the rest of the roster put together. Let’s give Ben Carson the chance to show us, and, if needed, he has that lovely and capable wife to advise him.  


  1. Hear, hear! Dr. Ben and Candy Carson would add tremendous class to the highest office in the land, which is sadly lacking at this time! Even more importantly, there would be a return to the values most Americans treasure, and also, the reinstatement of patriotism, truth and integrity; nowhere in evidence at this time!
