Thursday, October 22, 2015


First, books. Remember War and Peace? I have covered several hundred pages but also have several more to read. Its most fascinating aspect to me so far is Tolstoy’s writing as if he were there, not the usual way we mean that, but as if he is actually on the historic scene. His use of “our” instead of “their” is just one instance of his doing so. He also refers to Count Tolstoy, a real family connection, or is this Tolstoy himself? (The notes, afterward, should clarify this.) Some of the war talk is tedious going and I’m always delighted when the women are back in the story. Let’s hope this reading will end by Christmas. Or maybe New Year’s? Or if the 2016 election doesn’t get in the way?

I’ve donated several books to our library on the second floor, books I would never read, nor would my family. Also in the donation were numerous DVDs. Right after giving these DVDs, I noticed “Amadeus” was to show one night. I had the feeling it was the one I donated, rather than one ordered. I will probably ask about that and stick a feather in my hat. (Later: no, it was not my donation;  it was ordered. No feather.)

Well, where has my time gone during these weeks I was not writing Blogs? If my computer was not functioning properly (and it wasn’t), it was I not doing so. I have had more than one visit to the doctor’s office, and the arrival of some household help every morning disturbing my routine and delaying the progress I’d expected. So, now those seven days have been cut to two days a week. I got the best woman in the business for that. She is a retired Registered Nurse but hasn’t kept up her accreditation for nursing. She s a minister’s wife (of the denomination I grew up in), and is so quiet when she arrives that I don’t know she is around. I unlock the door for her around 5:00 and go back to bed. I find she has taken care of the trash, has taken the dishes from the dishwasher and put them away, if any, and has done any clothes washing I’ve put out for her to do. When I’m up, she makes up my bed. On one day soon, she will roll all my coins and I’ll get them to the bank when Amy takes me out next time. The cleaning lady is different from this lady: she cleans the whole apartment on Tuesday.

Later date for this part. The book in my reading progress is Killing Reagan by O’Reilly and Dugard. I’ve read all their killing books: on Lincoln, Kennedy, Jesus, Patton, Hitler, and now Reagan. O’Reilly has mentioned the next book in the series is now in progress but he won’t say about whom. Something in Reagan made me attempt a guess on the identity. I guess Marilyn Monroe. Why not? After all, O’Reilly is interested in making money and if sensationally, the better. There are enough books on hand to furnish the facts. I read one that convinced me she was murdered. ♥♥♥

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