Tuesday, March 23, 2010

While I was editing the blog for March 23, I managed to lose the blog for March 22. (Not just everyone can achieve that.) So, below is the reclaimed blog, out of order, but readable. But don't skip the blog for 3/23.

Idea from a Genius

Einstein, who played the violin and loved great music from certain composers, believed that music, like his own favorite scientific theories, gets plucked from the universe rather than composed. I strongly feel this is true in the field of creative writing too, and the trash that gets published didn’t get plucked from out there, but from someplace right on terra firma. Einstein might have thought the same about some forms of music.

One attribute of genius is a sense of humor, not that of telling jokes, but seeing the humor in situations, humor that often bypasses others. Geniuses may just walk out of the room when jokes hold the stage, be dissatisfied with activities others choose to do, and work best when they work alone. At the risk of being misinterpreted, they often choose a simple life and are probably never bored with life, just amused by what bores and amuses others. But they may get frustrated, even irritable, when lesser minds can’t understand a point in logic. They have difficulty with enduring the lack of knowledge in others.

But humor is all around us, even with our lesser minds. It shows up in nicknames we give each other, for one place. I once met a lady whose surname was Ford, whose friends called her Chevy. Good humor is clever that way. I don’t know how we acquire a sense of humor. Perhaps we are born with it (or not), as we seem to be with imagination (or not), but my guess is that it must be developed in early childhood, not by watching comics on the telly, but by watching other people live their lives, and by reading at an early age, of course.

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