Friday, February 21, 2014


Questionable to-be weather here this morning. It looks pleasant outside but the sun has not shown its face. I'll wait 15 minutes for that. I read till 12:05 this morning and slept till 8:30. Great for me. I have always been an insomniac. As I look back over 30 years of teaching high school English, I wonder how I got by repeatedly on nights of 2 or 3 hours of sleep. I'm in Edison's Club. Rarely did I sleep in on Saturday. 

I developed my insomnia before school age by going to bed and thinking up stories in the dark. I created in my mind a whole family of people to follow in episodes. I met these interesting people after my high school days. Last night, I got to sleep by seeing what they were now up to. The youngest daughter of three, is the main character currently, as she has been for at least the past 20 years or so (at the same age). She has met the love of her life, but hasn't married him yet. She has been busy getting her Ph.D. and then an LLD before age 22, writing best-sellers since age 13, rejecting numerous suitors, designing and making her own beautiful clothes that every other young female goes looking for in department stores! Not believable? Well, yes, but this is make-belief. She also sings beautifully, plays piano and violin, but gives them up for her writing. She speaks several languages. She writes literary mysteries. What else would you expect? And her sisters and her one brother are all beautiful and well educated as she is -- almost, but she's the only daughter with a law degree -- but they all have different interests. She also is on the adjunct faculty of the university her father is president of! One afternoon per week she teaches creative writing for two and a half hours with a break. Of course! Yes, she follows my own interests, not that I actually realized hers. 

Time to finish breakfast now, in time for lunch. Not much change in the weather in these fifteen minutes. Yesterday, when Amy and I took my black eye to the doctor, it was spitting rain and snow. I hardly paid attention to it. I wasn't driving. ***

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