Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This blog is not for analyzing any politician’s public address, but I must point out the absence of mentioning Reading and English among the subjects in school that our president says we must make progress in. He has spoken about this before and did not name these two subjects. Some great mind, perhaps several great minds, have maintained that one of the ways to subjugate a nation is to deprive its citizens of literature and language. If young people can’t read, they will believe anything and that is exactly why we must stress the importance of teaching Reading.

If the youngest children are to be schooled, as the president said in his speech tonight, and Reading is ignored, what will we gain? Reading is the key to every other subject, the sciences, math, law, medicine, history, theology, the whole caboodle. How many of you noticed he left out Reading in his list of subjects?

Why not let the littlest ones be children at home till age six and not become a pea in a pod. Parents can teach them MUCH about science, math, etc., in a loving environment, and even babies of age two have been known to start Reading—at home with Mother. Your computer will show you books about that. There are some requirements for teaching your baby to read: patience, time, love. We don’t need to be bringing up baby for the State. Let the child just be. ♥♥♥

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