Friday, December 13, 2013


It’s time to read to your younger children, perhaps again, Dickens’s Christmas story A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Time to say Merry Christmas to every one you meet on the street, in offices, in stores, and such places. When I’ve said this lately, I’ve heard the reply “The same to you,” with a big smile. Why are some Americans afraid to defend their right to free speech? Why doesn’t our president speak out against what is happening to our freedoms in this country? Doesn’t he care? I’ve always believed the first duty of any American president was to protect and defend the Constitution. Doesn’t he take such an oath to that effect?

The Constitution of the United States is one of the greatest documents ever written in history, perhaps second only to the Bible. And we are losing it, bit by bit at a speeding rate, it seems to me. It appears not enough people elected to office are working hard enough to protect the American Constitution. Many are, of course. But if we are getting anywhere by their efforts, it doesn’t seem to be fast enough.

The latest blasphemy states the desire to take Christ out of Christmas! This is America! Yes, the United States of America! Land of the free. And home of the brave. Merry Christmas, America! ♥♥♥

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