Saturday, November 5, 2011


What a busy, hectic week I’ve just had. Workers were here at the house Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and I was out all day—till about 7:00 p. m.—on Thursday. But I did manage to read a little before I retired at night. 10th Anniversary is finished, as well as The Terrorist Next Door and A Point in Time. Other reading continues. I have added two other books to the stack, both in progress. One is john Grisham’s The Litigators and the other is Janet Klymer’s Darcy’s Story. There’s more to say about them later.

For family news, let me tell you son Gooch and his wife Shirley were in a car wreck a few days ago in Australia (not their fault). She was bruised enough to be in the hospital and he broke his left wrist. I saw a picture of them there. She was in a bed and he was sitting beside the bed, showing off his bandaged wrist and hand, both smiling big.

My second son, Mike, called me this morning just as I was about to eat my breakfast egg, around 10:15. He knew about the wreck in Australia and he said, in essence, “One of these days we are going to get news that someone n the family wasn’t so fortunate.” How that breaks my heart just hearing it said. I hope they are all good drivers and I know they don’t drink or take illicit drugs. But the other driver on the road? That’s another story.

Grandson Rob hurt his ankle playing volley ball and yesterday he said the problem has gone into his shin. He’s the one who is six feet, seven inches tall, and who played basketball all the way through college. The first four years, that is. He is planning to go to Australia in the near future (and his wife and Rocco), where he will work and also study on his master’s degree.

So far as I can tell, the rest of the family is doing all right. I am still receiving the antibiotic in my left eye and Doc reported the hemorrhage has lessened and he says the vision is better. You could not prove that by me.

Phase 1 of my kitchen remodeling is now done. This week, the floor got its new vinyl, a historic pattern, black and white squares on the diagonal, covering a length of 28 feet without a seam. The chandelier over the dining area was moved over about three feet and the table is more centrally located than it had been. I read in a new magazine last evening, “The kitchen is where everyone lives, why not make it fabulous?” Well, “fab” doesn’t exactly fit mine, but I’m on my way.♥

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