Thursday, February 18, 2016


 Today the news broke that the Pope had called Donald Trump “not Christian.” Many will agree with him but perhaps for different reasons. The average voter does not know much about the ramifications concerning immigration. Trump has replied the Pope’s comment is “disgraceful.” But there is one Truth from the Bible that says, “Pride goeth before a fall.” I wonder if Trump knows that.

Monday, February 8, 2016


 I have mentioned here a scarcity of comments concerning education when the current presidential election takes place. Yesterday I heard it clear and repeatedly one candidate said that he wanted government (D. C.) completely out of education! He wants parents to make the rules. Hurrah for Kasich! I liked him already and now he has put the icing on the cake. Also Jeb Bush looks better and better, as some are fading away.

 Nevertheless, my first choice is still Ben Carson. He probably knows more about education than all the rest of the roster put together. Let’s give Ben Carson the chance to show us, and, if needed, he has that lovely and capable wife to advise him.  

Currently it seems the popular thing to do to commit suicide. One wonders if these victims know where they are going. It’s like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Perhaps they think of themselves as heroes and that the fire won’t last long. How misguided they are! You can find the rules for living and for dying explained in a book called the Holy Bible. If you have a problem with reading, find a Christian minister to explain it to you. Ask several Christian ministers, for today charlatans abound, sometimes even in the pulpit. Remember, your “best friend” will not be waiting for you after taking your own life. We all are born alone and we die alone. It’s better to stay alive till God decides our time is up. Don’t be a part of a foolish, fatal fad.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Do you really think you could endure daily that bird-like mouth, those fidgeting hands, those knock-knees, and those baggy pants?

Monday, February 1, 2016



Recently a photograph on AOL reminded me of Anne Frank and for good reason: it was of her stepsister. You might have never known Anne had a stepsister, but remember, Anne’s father survived the war and the Nazi prison camp, while he lost his wife and two daughters. Perhaps he began a new family. If you have never read Anne Frank’s diary covering the time she and her family hid away from Hitler and his minions (in Amsterdam) for about two years, you should read it. If you don’t read, the excellent movie version would be worth your while. On AOL the stepsister is quoted as saying one of our current presidential candidates is much like Hitler.


Hitler was in my generation and there are not many of us left. The younger generations have no idea how evil that man was. However, another film of a true story I recommend about that time and that evil man is “The Hiding Place,” the story of a Dutch watchmaker, Corrie ten Boon, whose family hid Jews in their home, and got caught. Corrie went to a Nazi prison camp, survived that with an occasional miracle, and was finally set free to tell the world her story. This film, with professional actors, was produced by the Billy Graham Association. Not for little children.


These two stories, The Diary of Anne Frank and “The Hiding Place,” both of them in book and movie format, should make you never want to vote for any candidate who reminds Anne’s stepsister of Hitler.